Prime Institute of Health Sciences
PIHS was established in January 2016 for the promotion of health education in the Federal Territory and throughout the nation. Disciplined academic environment together with need-based Teaching and Practical training, pertinent to requirements of the Paramedics. The PIHS, a future-oriented and unique institution is committed to achieving excellence in Nursing Programs and BS (Allied Health Sciences). PIHS provide superior and comprehensive educational opportunities at the metriculates and Baccalaureates through special professional educational levels. PIHS contributes to the advancement of society through creative activity, and development of knowledge. Affiliated with BISE Abbottabad , SZABMU, PUMHSW. PIHS is committed to achieve milestones in the field of Nursing and Allied health sciences and make a beneficial contribution to the society by providing educated skillful individuals and health care professional.

Message from Chairman

PIHS is a broad-based Institute with particular emphasis on "understanding and improving life", as our motto goes. It has an important role to play in the health care sector in Pakistan. It is envisioned to help bring in improvements in education, creation of hitherto largely missing research infrastructure, and establishment of the Institute run health care delivery system as an adjunct to the existing federal and provincial systems, to help improve enhance its capacity and improve the quality.
PIHS bears a heavy responsibility to ensure quality of its educational offerings and training, innovation and pertinence in its research; that serve the neediest areas of the country and humanity at large. All those who join .PIHS will be provided equal opportunities to grow as rounded individuals and the best care givers, taking merit and transparency as our guiding principles. With our diversely experienced faculty at PIHS constituent and affiliated institutes, our students will be trained to pay attention to detail with a view to becoming a reference point for health care related studies in the country.
At PIHS, we are working hard to push the boundary of knowledge, investing time and energy in creating a learning environment in all our fields of study to achieve the Goal Universal Health Care Coverage SDGs3.
I welcome you to visit the campus of PIHS and meet our faculty and students to get a first-hand feel of the institution. I am sure you would be pleased with what you will find here.
Abdul Wajid
Chief Executive Officer
Prime Institute of Health Sciences
Message from Principal

The Nursing & Allied Health Profession is the Noblest of all professions and in immense demand globally, offering a highly rewarding career. Established in the year of 2016, PIHS aims to train dedicated and expert nurses and allied health specialists that are capable of contributing towards the development of emerging health care systems in public and private health care organizations. Patient care is the main focus of this modern world and nurses and allied health professionals play a vital role in health care system. Therefore competent professionals in nursing and allied health are in demand all over the world. Nursing and Allied health sciences are service oriented professions growing with current trends and technology. Our course provides high achieving undergraduate students, the opportunity to extend themselves intellectually and clinically, thereby rendering quality care to the general public through our hospital and community services. Our significantly well infrastructure institution imparts high quality professional education to young and aspiring candidates who have dedicated themselves to be efficient health professionals and also meet the acute shortage of qualified and skilled nurses and allied health specialist’s manpower.
The Nursing & Allied Health Profession is the Noblest of all professions and in immense demand globally, offering a highly rewarding career. Established in the year of 2016, PIHS aims to train dedicated and expert nurses and allied health specialists that are capable of contributing towards the development of emerging health care systems in public and private health care organizations.
Patient care is the main focus of this modern world and nurses and allied health professionals play a vital role in health care system. Therefore competent professionals in nursing and allied health are in demand all over the world. Nursing and Allied health sciences are service oriented professions growing with current trends and technology.
Our course provides high achieving undergraduate students, the opportunity to extend themselves intellectually and clinically, thereby rendering quality care to the general public through our hospital and community services.
Our significantly well infrastructure institution imparts high quality professional education to young and aspiring candidates who have dedicated themselves to be efficient health professionals and also meet the acute shortage of qualified and skilled nurses and allied health specialist’s manpower.
I welcome all the new students and wish them success through their academic journey out of our institute as successful health professional.
Dr.Ayesha Wajid
Prime Institute of Health Sciences

The PIHS, a future-oriented and unique institution is committed to achieving excellence in the Nursing Education Program and BS (HONS) in Allied Health sciences graduate. The PIHS provide superior and comprehensive educational opportunities at the metriculates and baccalaureates through special professional educational levels. The PIHS contributes to the advancement of society through creative activity, and development of knowledge.

To be a prominent Private Institution in the region recognized for its Values, diverse and supportive learning environment, having reputation in learning and emphasis on quality education and Practical base Studies.

Health is complex and multi-dimensional. We are committed to working with a broad range of partners to share knowledge, maximize resources, and enhance effectiveness.