Admissions Open for Session 2024-25. Apply Now We are offering DPT, Pharm-D, BSMLT, BSMIT, BSAT, BSOTT, BSPH, FSc. in OTT, MIT, DT, MLT, OPT, PHY, Medical, Engg., ICS, I.COM, LHV, CNA, CMW, Pharmacy Technician, 1 Year Diploma in MLT, AT, MIT, NA, Post Basic Specialty. Apply Now


Message Head of department Nursing PROGRAM

Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.
PIHS has provided high-quality education programmes to working nurses and midwives across the region. Nurses and midwives are the backbone of the healthcare organization and are often the only point of care. Delivering training that properly equips our students to address diverse health challenges is, therefore, essential to our objective of improving lives in the communities we serve.

Academic approach focuses on instilling capacity building in leadership, critical thinking and service innovation, in order to prepare our students to work as leaders in healthcare across the Country. These core principles are key distinguishers of our graduates, that demonstrate empathy, problem-solving skills and confidence in the way they serve and practice in their clinics, communities and countries

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The PIHS, a future-oriented and unique institution is committed to achieving excellence in the Nursing Education Program and BS (HONS) in Allied Health sciences graduate.


To be a prominent Private Institution in the region recognized for its Values, diverse and supportive learning environment, having reputation in learning and emphasis on quality education and Practical base Studies.


Health is complex and multi-dimensional. We are committed to working with a broad range of partners to share knowledge, maximize resources, and enhance effectiveness.