The department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences was established in 2019. The department and its management are always committed to serve the rural population specially. Physiotherapist in the department work with the multidisciplinary team of health care providers to provide holistic care that is aligned with patient’s treatment goals. The department strives to provide inpatient and outpatients services that is based on the high standards of care and quality. The department offers its services to the hospital’s ICUs, HDUs, and multidisciplinary wards. The inpatient and outpatient physiotherapy services offer assessment function, mobilization and ability to function independently and to restore quality of life.
Uses of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is helpful in treating many diseases and disabilities. It is often used in treating heart and lung diseases and various types of paralysis and muscle weaknesses such as strokes etc. It is also important in amputations, fractures and other injuries and orthopedic conditions. With the aid of physical therapy, someone with Paraplegia can be trained to walk again and lead a constructive life.
History of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is a treatment that is used when health problems make it hard to move around when they are threatened by injury, disease, aging and environment factors. It helps to move better and relieve pain. It also helps to improve or restore the maximal movement, physical function and fitness level throughout life. The goals of physical therapy are to make daily tasks and activities easier. For example, it may help with walking, going upstairs, or getting in and out of bed. Physical Therapy is concerned with identifying and maximizing quality of life and movement potential with in the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. This embraces physical, psychological, emotional and social well-being. It enhances the interaction between Physical Therapists, Patients/Clients, other health professionals, families, caregivers and communities at large.
Role of Physical Therapy in Today's World
In the world of today, there is an unprecedented rise in the number of accidents. Road accidents, terrorist activities, industrial accidents, agricultural accidents, crime and of course, everyday accidents at home, all contribute to the spiraling number of musculo-skeletal trauma in recent times. The situation is made worse by multiple injuries, complicated fractures and many types of combination injuries and problems. Naturally, there has been a great increase in the number of Orthopedic Surgeons and new developments in trauma management. Joint replacements, Arthroscopic surgery, methods of bone fixation, both internal and external are routinely practiced. All these treatment methods aim at restoring the lost anatomy, but not the pre-injury functional status.
A good fracture fixation may facilitate faster recovery but not complete recovery. This is where physical therapy and rehabilitation enter the picture. Improved fracture fixation and good rehabilitation programs are the twin pillars of successful treatment in trauma. The same applies to Backache, Frozen Shoulder, and Osteoarthritis etc. No one can deny that Orthopedics and Rehabilitation are inseparable. In fact, without good physical therapy and rehabilitation, the Orthopedic Surgeons’ job is only half done.
Learn MoreMessage from Head of Department (HOD)
Welcome to the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences at Prime Institute of Health Sciences Islamabad. Physical therapy is a dynamic, exciting profession that allows you to aid patients in the rehabilitation process, thus helping them to perform at their highest functional capacity. Physical therapists have profound effects on the quality of life for the people they assist. They have developed into a prominent group of health care professionals who provide a positive influence in the volatile climate of the current health care delivery system. This vocation has grown dramatically over the past several years and is emerging as one of the latest doctoring fields. Our department is dedicated to providing quality education to improve the lives of our patients and clients in the ever-changing healthcare landscape.
The faculty and staff in our program are committed to the success of our students and have built a curricular framework that focuses on critical thinking, professionalism, and leadership. Our emphasis on intellectual curiosity, service to others, and learning environment that respects each student. The program has a deeply-held belief in servant leadership and prepares our students to be advocates for our patients, communities, and the profession of physical therapy. A cornerstone of our program is faculty and student engagement in service-learning.
Our campus is placed in an ideal location at the intersection of expert practice and policy. The success of the program is facilitated by the Department's excellent relationship with multiple clinics and hospitals in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
I am honored to be the Head of such a quality program that is grounded in excellence and service. Please explore our website to learn more about our faculty, students and staff, and our many initiatives that are shaping the future of physical therapy.
Dr. Syed Aqil Hussain Shah, PT
DDE, DPTRM, Dip. Pain Management,
MBA (Nutrition Management), MS-SPT
BMJ Sliver Certificate (UK)
Head of Department
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences

The PIHS, a future-oriented and unique institution is committed to achieving excellence in the Nursing Education Program and BS (HONS) in Allied Health sciences graduate.

To be a prominent Private Institution in the region recognized for its Values, diverse and supportive learning environment, having reputation in learning and emphasis on quality education and Practical base Studies.

Health is complex and multi-dimensional. We are committed to working with a broad range of partners to share knowledge, maximize resources, and enhance effectiveness.

Dr.Syed Aqil Hussain Shah HOD
DDE, DPTRM, Dip. Pain Management,
MBA (Nutrition Management), MS-SPT
BMJ Sliver Certificate (UK)
Head of Department
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences

Sarah awais
DPT Neuromuscular physical therapist

Sania Ahmed khan
DPT (Riphah International University),

BS English

Raham Maula
BS in Pakistan Studies from University of Swat, M.Phil in Pakistan Studies from National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.

Miss Tehreem Rafique
MA- Islamic Studies